How We Play Our Part in Recycling

There is no better feeling than walking into a clean office. You flip on the lights and see the recycling and trash have been taken out, but you wonder, where did it all go? When Buckingham comes to clean your space, you know we will take the initiative to recycle your materials responsibly.

Our certified cleaning team is happy to assist in teaching your team how to implement the best practices of recycling. Some may think, why should I recycle? We are here to explain the value of recycling and why it is imperative to save our planet.

Why Recycling Matters

Recycling has more benefits than some may expect. When materials are recycled instead of thrown in the trash, we can create new products using old materials. Since 1960, waste disposal has gone from 94 percent to 53 percent according to a 2015 data collection. When you recycle, it conserves the energy it takes to process waste and conserves the natural resources of breaking down the waste.

Not only is recycling reducing waste, but it is also creating jobs across the country. As of 2016, an estimated 750,000+ jobs have been created to continue the recycling efforts rather than everything being disposed of in landfills.

Now you might be thinking, why is this important to Buckingham Commercial Cleaning? Our certified cleaning team follows the three rules below to ensure a safe and reliable process for recycling.

1. Recycle the right way: All our certified cleaning team members are trained to always follow the standard procedures for recycling.

Our certified cleaning team is a key player in implementing recycling in our client’s workplaces.

When on-site, we are responsible for making sure the containers are lined correctly, bins are emptied, materials are being transported to the right facilities and overall making sure everything is in the right place. If a recycling lid is on a waste bin then it could ruin the entire process. With attention to detail, our team can set your office up for success with recycling.

We train our team members on what the effective procedures are and the strict compliances to follow so that we can ensure a consistent service each time.

2. Visually recycle: Create obvious visuals that team members are recycling.

Implementing recycling procedures is the first step when recycling at a business but it is important to encourage people in the office to follow suit.

What cleaning companies can lack is differentiating between a waste bag and a recycling bag. If someone in the office sees two black bags next to each other, they may think their recycling efforts are going to waste because they look the same and they don’t know the process after recyclables are collected.

Purchasing and using to have two different colored bags such as a black one for waste and a clear one for recyclables can go a long way. This will give people a piece of mind that their recyclables are going to be disposed of properly and encourage them to continue to recycle when possible.

At Buckingham, we emphasize taking the waste and recyclables separately to ensure the recyclable materials are headed to the right place.

3. Share your knowledge: Educate the clients and their team members through direct communication.

There is the power behind knowledge, but direct communication is the key to implementing a successful program.

When a client hires Buckingham Commercial Cleaners, we emphasize our efforts in cleaning and recycling. We want the client to know how the materials get from their recycling bins to the correct facilities to recycle their materials. Education is fundamental to learning any new skill, we work with our clients on the best way to teach their staff the importance of recycling and how they can participate in it correctly. Direct communication can go a long way and we are happy to offer this to our clients.